Dierickx Lab



Big congrats to Margaux and Daniëlle!

We are excited to share our newest insights on circadian rhythms in the human heart and how knowledge about the clock can be leveraged for future CV therapies, in NPJ Cardiovascular Health:https://lnkd.in/gSNUJZ5Q

Learn more about the CPI

Our lab is covered in this short image film on our cardiopulmonary institute (CPI) excellence cluster, which was established in 2019: Watch the film Within the CPI, researchers from Gießen and Frankfurt university as well as our Max-Planck-Institute (MPI) for heart and lung research in Bad Nauheim have joined forces to combine different research fields and expertises: JLU: Justus-Liebig-University Gießen Focus: Cardiopulmonary Vasculature and Respiratory System MPI: Max-P...

Welcome to our new student Margo (with an O)!

New year, new faces…similar names. Today, Margo Favier joined our lab. As a Master’s student Margo will be working with both Margaux (with aux!) and Steven on circadian rhythms in 2D as well as 3D cultures of PSC-CMs. We are happy to have you in the lab and looking forward to all the cool science that we’ll do together. Welcome to the team! Margo Favier Master’s student Margo Favier is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University Claude Bernard Lyo...


Welcome to two new lab members!

We would like to introduce our two newest lab members Yilian Wang and Erik Dechant. As a PhD student, Yilian will be working on the circadian regulation of interorgan cross-talk, while Erik will be working with one of our Postdocs Margaux. We are very much looking forward starting our experiments with these two young and bright minds. Welcome to the lab! Yilian Wang | PhD student Yilian obtained her Master’s degree at the Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. During this time, ...

Summer lab BBQ

On Friday we had our half time lab BBQ. The brief rain showers could not stop us from having fun. All people brought authentic food to make our BBQ a real success. Very grateful to be working with such an inspiring and talented group of scientists. Looking forward to the second half of the year!

Fun lab outing: ice hockey play-off game

Last night we had a great lab outing. After some pizza and drinks, we walked over to the Colonel Night stadium through the park. The atmosphere in and outside of the stadium was electric and predictive of a good outcome. The Rote Teufels from EC Bad Nauheim beat the Ravensburg Towerstars with 3:0 and thereby evened the Play-off final series (1:1). For most of us it was our first ever live hockey game in Germany and we all had a blast. Fingers crossed the Rote Teufels will become champions, so...

Welcome to Margaux, our new French Postdoc

Margaux obtained her PhD at the Université Côte d’Azur in Nice in Cellular and Molecular Interactions. In this lab, she studied how the biophysical properties of the microenvironment increase resistance mechanisms to targeted therapies in melanoma, under the supervision of Dr. Sophie Tartare-Deckert. In the Dierickx lab, she will use her expertise in microscopy and cell interactions to understand how the circadian clock plays a role in different cardiac cell types contributing to heart functi...

Meet Seval and Daniëlle, our newest PhD and Master’s students!

Seval earned her B.Sc. degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics at Üsküdar University. She completed her Master’s degree at Koç University School of Medicine in Immunology. During her M.Sc, she studied the T-regulatory cell and Notch axis in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) inflammation under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hasan Bayram. In the Dierickx lab, she will focus on disease progression in human metabolic heart failure. She loves photography (unfortunately, her friends’ pe...

DZHK funds the Circadian Cardiometabolism lab

We are extremely grateful to receive support from the German Heart Foundation: DZHK. In the next 6 years we will study how the cardiac circadian clock drives rhythmic process in the heart. In addition, based on knowledge of the circadian clock, we are aiming to devise new strategies to treat and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Thank you very much, DZHK. Please find the links below: https://dzhk.de/en/news/latest-news/article/two-new-junior-research-groups-started-at-the-dzhk/ https://dzhk.de...

Happy New Year from our lab!

New year, new resolutions, but never forget old traditions. Cake to celebrate each other’s birthday is truly important. Today we belatedly celebrate Kai’s birthday with homemade Belgian cake. This is also a great moment to celebrate the great bunch we have together in the lab. Of course, this begs for a new year’s lab gift: the Circadian Cardiometabolism 2023 beanie! These ones look good on all of our members and will keep us warm during the winter months. We...


Adwitiya just joined our lab as an undergrad Intern

Adwitiya is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s in Health Informatics at the Technical University of Deggendorf. Simultaneously, she is also studying Software Engineering from 42 school, Wolfsburg. From January 2023, she will start her Master’s program in Applied Neuroscience from King‘s College London. Her future plans are to move in the field of Research and Development. Currently, Adwitiya is an undergraduate intern in the Dierickx Lab and she believes that this is an excellent opportunity f...

Welcome to Yannick Mangold, our fifth lab member!

Welcome to Yannick Mangold, who just joined our lab as a TA. Yannick just finished his apprenticeship at the university clinic in Homburg and will start working his first full time job as a TA in the Dierickx group. He is also studying at the university of applied sciences Kaiserslautern and wants to obtain his B.Sc. After that he is looking into options of continuing his part time studies to get a Master’s degree. When he’s not in the lab Yannick is the singer for a local band in his hometow...

New member, who dis?

Welcome to Ankita Jha, who just joined our lab as a TA. Ankita comes from a small lovely town Darbhanga in India. She obtained her bachelor’s in Biotechnology in Jaipur (India) and her master’s degree from the Technical University Dresden (Germany) in the field of Molecular Bioengineering. During her studies, she worked on neurons, brain organoids, and cardiomyocytes. She started enjoying cardiac cells more and could not stop thinking about how to use stem cells as a model to gain some insigh...

Kai and Bryce had a fantastic first IMPRS retreat.

The annual retreat is a highlight of the IMPRS year. It is an opportunity to discuss science off the bench or desk and get to know each other better. We go as a student group, with our coordinator. Sometimes, we invite post-docs along to share their expertise and experience with us.

Our review article just got published in the American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology

In this review article we describe the links between the transcriptionally regulatory mechanisms of the circadian clock in the heart, NAD+ rhythms and heathy aging. Big congratulations to first author Bryce Carpenter! Download Here.

Welcome to Kai and Bryce, our very first 2 PhD students!

Bryce studied at the University of Pennsylvania for a B.A. in Cellular and Molecular Biology. While there, he worked as a research assistant in the lab of Dr. Mitchell Lazar in the Institute for Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism, starting off his interest in circadian rhythms and metabolism research. Unrelatedly but simultaneously, he discovered a love for Lindy Hop, food from around the world, and social story games. Kai studied the genomics and evolution of endangered ani...

The Dierickx lab at the MPI-HLR officially opened its doors. Stay tuned for more research to come!